Early childhood education

Service instruction in early childhood education
Contacts preferably by e-mail at varhaiskasvatus(at)hamina.fi
Service instruction by telephone
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 12.00 – 13.00 at other times you can leave a message to voicemail or by text message for us to phone you back, tel +358 40 509 3658
Service instruction in the Russian language
Thursdays 8.15 – 10.00, or leave a message tel +358 50 478 3361
Service instruction in the English language
leave a message tel +358 40 509 3658
Applying for early childhood education
Early childhood education is provided in family day care, day care centres and pre-schools as well as in open early childhood education.
Family day care is early childhood education arranged in a small group of children – usually four children – in the caregiver’s home.
The activities in day care centres are based on groups. When putting together groups of children, the issues that are taken into account include the children’s ages, siblings and the need for care and support. As a rule, the day care centres are open from 6.30 to 17.00. The shift day care centre provides evening, night and weekend care for children who need it because of their parents’ work or studies.
Pre-school education is based on the Finnish Basic Education Act. If the child needs municipal early childhood education in addition to pre-school, it is arranged at the pre-school.
Open early childhood education groups are arranged at Linnoitus day care centre. There are also activities and care days intended for families.
You can make an application for early childhood education throughout the year; however, no later than FOUR MONTHS BEFORE THE NEED FOR CARE BEGINS. In a sudden situation, such as due to getting a job or studying, you must apply for care at least two weeks before the start of care.
A place of care that suits the wishes of the custodians can be best arranged in early autumn, if the application for early childhood education has been submitted four months earlier. At other times, a place of care is offered wherever there are vacancies. If the child does not get the place of care desired by the custodians, a transfer application can be made. The transfer application must be renewed annually by 30 April, or otherwise it expires.
The child’s early childhood education place or group can change during the care for operational reasons by mutual agreement with the custodians.
The application must be returned to address: Haminan kaupunki / Varhaiskasvatus, PL 70, 49401 Hamina.
The decision on early childhood education will be announced no later than two weeks before the starting of care.
Early childhood education units
- Keskikaupunki shift day care centre
- Kurkitie day care centre
- Linnoitus day care centre
- Neuvoton day care centre
- Pyhältö day care centre
- Ruissalo day care centre
- Uusi–Summa day care centre
- Private day care centres
- Marian Tarha
- Norladia Aalto