Basic education

Basic education supports the pupils’ growth as people and members of society and teaches necessary knowledge and skills. Basic education gives everyone the same eligibility for further studies, and it is free of charge. The comprehensive school (peruskoulu) has grades 1–9, and it is intended for age groups 7–16 years.
Those going to the first grade in Hamina can start their school path in the seven primary schools and two all-level schools of Hamina. Upper grade education is given in the two all-level schools.
Comprehensive schools
Asema school (grades 1 to 6)
Husula school (grades 1 to 6)
Kirkkojärvi school (grades 1 to 6)
Neuvoton school (grades 1 to 6)
Pappilansalmi school (grades 1 to 9)
Poitsila school (grades 1 to 6)
Pyhältö school (grades 1 to 6)
Uusi-Summa school (grades 1 to 6)
Vehkalahti school (grades 1 to 9)